The most notable event in the recent period for the SAMSET project was the first Energy for Sustainable Urban Development continuing professional development course at the University of Cape Town. This event was attended by over 40 representatives from South Africa, Ugandan and Ghanaian municipalities and universities, and over the course of five days covered the spectrum of issues surrounding sustainable urban development, from urban planning and transport systems to financing for municipal energy projects, sanitation and renewable energy use.
Field visits in the course included the Blackriver Parkway office complex in Cape Town, which has recently installed 1.2 MW of solar photovoltaics to supply electricity to the complex, and the informal settlement of Enkanini in Stellenbosch, to visit the iShack project, a solar home system fee-for-service project aiming to create a franchise model for SHS dissemination in informal settlements across South Africa. In-depth summaries of each day of the CPD course can be found on the SAMSET blog.
In addition, November saw the hosting of the third SAMSET network meeting, in Kalk Bay, Cape Town. Attendees from each of the project team organisations, as well as from all partner municipalities, were present at the three day meeting. Topics covered included work on the project to date, including presentations based on the State of Energy reports for Uganda, South Africa and Ghana, as well as the discussion of concrete next steps for the project in harmony with the priorities of each partner municipality, and discussions of what assistance the project team can give municipalities in developing sustainable energy transitions. The project team also discussed potential topics for the production of working papers and other academic literature to disseminate project findings.