
“Supporting African Municipalities in Sustainable Energy Transitions” (SAMSET) is an EPSRC/DFID/DECC-funded project (Grant No. EP/L002620/1) that seeks to develop a knowledge exchange framework for supporting local and national bodies involved in municipal energy planning in the effective transition to sustainable energy use in urban areas. Through close partnering with six cities in three African countries (Ghana, Uganda and South Africa), the project is developing an information base from which to support cities, undertake direct support for cities around strategy development and priority initiatives, and facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity building. Read more


Outputs from the SAMSET Project

SETUSA 2017 Conference

Accra, Ghana, 19-20 June 2017


Online Resources

Web resources for municipalities and energy planners, as well as media resources from the SAMSET Project

SAMSET Project on Twitter

The latest on Twitter from the SAMSET Project